Pengaruh Kedisplinan, Kompentensi, dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan


  • Samsul Arifin
  • Rahayu Mardikaningsih
  • Yusuf Rahman Al Hakim


discipline, job competence, motivation, job performance


This study examines the effect of variable discipline, job competence, and motivation on the job performance. The analysis is used to examine the effect of discipline, job competence, and motivation on job performance is to use quantitative analysis of the technique of multiple linear regression analysis. The statistical test used is the t test and F test where first analyzed through the classical assumption. T test was used to analyze the effect of partially independent variable on the dependent variable, while the F test is used to analyze the effect simultaneously.

The results showed that the partial discipline, job competence, and motivation have a significant effect on jobĀ  performance. Simultaneously, discipline, job competence, and motivation affect job performance by using the regression equation Y = 6,236 + 0,352X1 + 0,216X2 + 0,206X3. Rsquare value of 0.479 which means that 47.9% bound variables are formed from the contribution of independent variables, while the remaining 52.1% is formed by other factors.


