Variabel Kepemimpinan dan Lingkungan Kerja serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan


  • Rahayu Mardikaningsih


leadership, work environment, performance


This research aims to study the influence of leadership and work environment to performance. The analysis method applied in study the influence of leadership and work environment to performance are descriptive and quantitative analysis by Multiple Linear Regression model. The statistic test was done by t-test and F-test, where firstly did the classic assumption test before did the statistic test. t-test is used to know the influence of independent variable to the dependent variable partially, while the F-test is used to know the influence of independent variable to the dependent variable simultantly. Variables used in this research are leadership and work environment as independent variables, and performance  as dependent variable.

The result of this research show that, partially leadership and work environment partially influence toward performance. Simultaneously leadership and work environment influence toward performance using the regression equation Y = 0.212 + 0.831X1 + 0.361X2. R Square that shows value 0,715 indicates that 71,5% performance can be determined by the independent variable in this research, meanwhile, the remainder 28,5% detemined by other factors which not include in this research.


