Pengaruh Promosi, Harga, Produk dan Tempat Terhadap Peningkatan Volume Penjualan Sinom Sitoresmi di Komplek Perumahan LANUD Auri Sidoarjo


  • Rismawati Sitepu


Promotion, Price, Product, Place, the Volume of Sales


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of promotion, price, product and place againt an increase in the volume of sales sinom Sitoresmi LANUD AURI-Sidoarjo simultaneously as well as partial. This research is quantitative research. Sample research taken as many as 82 respondents with by accidental sampling techiques. The data taken using questionnaires. The data analysis study was multiple linear regression analysis. Linear regression calculation results of multiple use SPSS obtained results showed that the value of Fhitung (4.403) produced greater than ftabel (2.02) then H0 is rejected and the H1 is accepted which means simultaneous promotion, pricing, product and place the real effect against an increase in the volume of sales. The value of thitung (2.477) over ttabel (1.66488) then H0 is rejected and the H1 is admitted that it means partially promotion (X1) real effect against an increase in the volume of sales (Y). The value of thitung (1,276) of less than ttabel (1.66488) then H0 and H1 rejected accepted meaning partially price (X2) influential negatively against the increase in the volume of sales (Y). The value of thitung (3.204) over ttabel (1.66488) then H0 is rejected and the H1 is admitted that it means partially products (X3) real effect against an increase in the volume of sales (Y). The value of thitung (2.244) over ttabel (1.66488) then H0 is rejected and the H1 is admitted that it means partially place (X4) real effect against an increase in the volume of sales (Y). Variable products that became dominant with the value thitung 3.204.


