Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. Cabang Prioritas Makro, Sidoarjo


  • Eva Desembrianita


Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, BCA


The purpose of this research was analyzing the effect of Service Quality and customer satisfaction on PT BCA Makro, Sidoarjo. The effect 5 dimention on Service quality woud be examine used simultaneously and partial method of Multiple Regression. This research has been done with 100 samples taken in purposive sampling with some criteria such as : The customer must be active for 3 years transaction with minimal balance 50 million rupiah due March 2016. Result of this survey shows that these 5 dimention were accepted. The result was, there was a positive and significant relation between tangible of BCA, reliability of BCA in handling consumer, responsiveness of BCA, Assurance  given by BCA, empathy against customer satisfaction. This was proved by test F, test t where the value of significance was 0,000, the coefficient of determination on satisfaction shown by Adjusted R Square was 0,696 that means the customer satisfaction was 69,6% affected by variable of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Whereas, the rest of the 30,4 % was affected by other variables  were not checked thoroughly by researchers. By knowing the value of the influence of each variables, then it can be concluded that the dominant variable of customer satisfaction in this research were Tangibles variable


