Review Program PNPM Mandiri dalam Peningkatan Prasana Kehidupan Masyarakat di Desa Paowan Kabupaten Situbondo


  • Mohammad Rasidi


PNPM Mandiri, Community Empowerment


This study aims to describe how PNPM Mandiri in improving the infrastructure in the Village Life Paowan Situbondo and the factors that affect the process in the Village Infrastructure Improvement District Paowan Situbondo.Tipe studies used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that there are several stages in the process of implementation of the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM) in the village of Paowan Situbondo namely the first stage, the provision of public education with respect to the PNPM Mandiri. The second phase, public aspirations in finding what programs in accordance with the public demands to be dilaksanakan.Tahap third is the implementation of PNPM Mandiri. The factors that affect the process of program implementation PNPM Mandiri in Rural Paowan namely Supporting factors and factor inhibitors. Factors that support the program is the provision of socialization, HR Human Resources (HR) as the perpetrators of PNPM Mandiri, and community participation. The inhibiting factor, namely, the problem of funding tends to be late.


